The Case Against Barack Obama

As President Obama often laments, he inherited a mess the day he took office. But for every American family who lost a job, a home, or their entire life savings the financial crisis was a personal nightmare -- and it still is!

America had been paid a visit by the Four Headless Horsemen of Economic Apocalypse: terror, frustration, bewilderment and despair. And it just couldn’t get any worse, or so we thought.

But then Obama did the almost unthinkable, he found a way to make everything worse.  He invited these “Headless Horsement” into The White House!  He annointed and appointed them czars and economic advisors!

Now, Obama is probably honest if he ever complained to himself, “Man, it's worse than I thought”. The bottom had fallen out of the U.S. economy, the housing bubble burst, financial markets reeling, unemployment staggering, and our nation on the brink of ruin. But the fact of the matter is--as horrible as the situation was--President Barack Obama found a way to make everything worse. If he’s succeeded at anything, he’s “downgraded” nearly every facet of American life.

The Case Against Barack Obama is an endless nightmare: A failed stimulus plan, his universally-hated big-government healthcare takeover, unaccountable-power-hungry czars, government bailout-after-bailout, a job-killing $4-a-gallon-spiking moratorium on offshore drilling, big government spending run-riot, Occupy Wall Street literally run-riot, a venomous persecution of the business community, endorsement of that wretched “Monster Mosque” planned at Ground Zero, some obnoxious fantasy called “Recovery Summer”, Obama’s refusal to enforce U.S. immigration law, abandonment of the Iranian freedom fighters, disastrous monetary policy, a “dithering” foreign policy, Obama’s historic sell-out of our friend and ally Israel, and of course the first-time-ever “downgrading” of the U.S. credit rating by Standard & Poor’s.

With policy-after-policy, speech-after-speech, and regulation-after-regulation, President Obama has sown enough uncertainty, doubt and panic into the private sector to all-but paralyze economic growth and expansion. One Georgia business owner recently illustrated this reality by posting signs on all of his company’s trucks: "New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone."

The fact is Obama’s defeat alone could spur the greatest economic boom America has seen since our troops arrived home from Europe and Asia four generations ago.

But if we let him, Obama could also win a second term, and that would be a disaster. believes the future of the American Dream is in grave danger.

We believe the 2012 Presidential election could be the last-best chance to save the very fabric of our torn Republic from economic, cultural, and societal ruin.

During Great Britain's darkest hours, Prime Minister Winston Churchill said in a desperate plea to America, “Give us the tools and we will finish the job."

Today, many Americans believe our very way of life--the American Dream--is under siege. We face not a foreign enemy with tanks and planes, but a President who is unshakably determined to redefine and takeover every facet of American life.

We must stop him.

This is why exists.

With your help, Let’s Revive America!

Bob Adams Signature

Bob Adams
Chief Strategist and Founder



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The Case Against Barack Obama